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Will Insomnia Go Away on Its Own?

about insomnia

Will Insomnia go away on its own?

Are you wondering if your insomnia will eventually just disappear on its own and go away? 

Maybe you feel like you have no control over your insomnia and the only way it will fade away is with time. If you can just put up with it and suffer through it, it will eventually dissapear. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t how it works. Or maybe it is fortunate because we have a choice in our reactions to insomnia because our reactions to our insomnia keep us in the insomnia cycle.

Insomnia comes from our fear-based reactions to sleeplessness. The more we react with fear and worry, the more trouble sleeping we will have.

All the worry, stress, problem-solving,  and focus on your sleep increase your hyperarousal levels. Your hyperarousal levels are getting in the way of your own natural and passive sleep system. Your sleep system is not broken, but the hyperarousal levels prevent you from sleeping.

And it will remain as long as you still fear sleeplessness and try to fix it. Now, if you step out of the way of your own sleep system, then insomnia will go away on its own. 

You do that by letting go of the problem-solving, the worry, and stress and putting all this focus on your sleep. This is how you can decrease those hyperarousal levels so your sleep can happen naturally again. Then insomnia will start to fade away.

If you found this helpful to start understanding insomnia, check out my blog post, “The real reason you have insomnia,” so that you can understand your insomnia even more and know the direction you need to take to overcome insomnia once and for all. 

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