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Why you shouldn’t worry about health concerns associated with insomnia

insomnia myths

You don’t have to worry about health risks associated with lack of sleep…

If you have insomnia, then you have likely, at some point, worried about health concerns associated with insomnia. You can find tons of articles associating lack of sleep with just about any health ailment, and this can be scary.

You’re not getting enough sleep, and you aren’t feeling as healthy as you would like. It can be scary thinking about all the health risks you have by not sleeping enough.

I am someone who has always been focused on improving my health, and when I had insomnia, I was definitely scared of getting some kind of disease.

Well, I am here to tell you that you don’t have to worry. There isn’t a single study out there that proves a connection between lack of sleep and any health concern out there…. Yes, you heard that correctly.

In this video, I will explain what these studies are showing us and a new way of looking at them.

You definitely don’t want to miss this one.

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