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What Boiling Water Can Teach Us About Insomnia...

about insomnia

What boiling water can teach us

Believe it or not, boiling water can help you to understand your insomnia and how to overcome it. I know, weird, right? Trust me on this one.

It all starts with wanting to boil some water. You are in a hurry, and you want it to happen quickly. So you stand over the pot, watching it, and it just seems to take forever, and it’s frustrating.

So you step away, and you do something else. You go chop the onions, start on something else in the recipe, or maybe the water is for some tea, so you gather the supplies together. Anything to distract yourself in the meantime. 

When you come back to check on the water, you notice the water is boiling over onto the stove, making a mess. We've all been there. And the same thing can apply to insomnia, believe it or not. 

If we are watching our sleep, waiting for it to happen, and we want it to happen now, it can seem like it takes forever and will be frustrating. This can apply to the moment you go to bed at night and overcoming insomnia in the long run.

However, if you take your focus off your sleep, step away and do something different, and aren’t waiting for it to happen or stressed because you want it to happen now, sleep will happen more peacefully and quicker.

We can learn a lot just from the simple analogy. 

I hope it helps you to understand how sleep can happen more quickly.

I recommend reading my blog post “The real reason you have insomnia.” to learn the real reason you have insomnia so that you know the direction you need to go to overcome it. 

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