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The REAL Reason You Have Insomnia.

about insomnia

Are you stuck on the insomnia cycle, and you just don’t understand why you can’t seem to overcome insomnia?

I have totally been there. I tried just about everything to overcome insomnia. I tried supplements, medications, alcohol, meditation, binaural beats, hypnotists, CBTi, supplements, CBD oil, begging to the sleep gods, seeing different eastern and western medicine specialists, and so much more. 

Nothing worked!

I think I had more chance of making it rain by doing a rain dance than making myself sleep…. Plus, dancing is more fun than the frustration of trying to sleep.

Here’s the thing, nothing external can make us sleep, and we can’t control our sleep or make it happen. There is a lot of misunderstanding in the sleep industry, and I am here to clear things up.

We need two things to make ourselves sleep.

  1. A high sleep drive and
  2. No hyperarousal levels.

Sleep drive is basically how sleepy we are. The longer we are awake, the sleepier we are. Insomnia is rarely a sleep drive issue. Even if you feel wide awake as soon as your head hits the pillow, this is something different happening. Hyperarousal and anxiety are masking your sleep drive, but the sleep drive is there.

The other thing we need is no hyperarousal levels. Hyperarousal is basically when you are alert from things such as anxiety, stress, worry, puzzlement, excitement, etc.

When we try to control sleep with medications, supplements, and more, they end up failing us because nothing external can make us sleep. Each time something fails, we feel more and more frustrated, which leads to higher and higher hyperarousal levels.

The key to overcoming insomnia is letting go of the control so that we can break the insomnia cycle. 

You can learn more in the video above.  

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