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The Better Way To Do Sleep Affirmations…

how to overcome insomnia

One thing I am excited about this weekend is finding a bunch of affirmations that I like and putting them into my new app, “I AM.” It’s a great app for entering in your favorite affirmations that will pop up on your phone throughout the day so that you take a moment to stop and repeat them out loud.

Who doesn’t love a good affirmation? Right!

When I receive affirmation popups, and I am with my husband, I even have him repeating them with me. Lol

…. He’s probably internally rolling his eyes at me. 😂

Anyway, that brings me to this week's topic, which is sleep affirmations.

Affirmations can be helpful in so many areas of life, but sleep is not one of them.

Sorry to break the news.

Repeating things such as “I am a good sleeper,” “I fall asleep quickly and stay asleep,” and “My kids will wake up my husband instead of me if they need something in the middle of the night” isn’t going to help you sleep.

If you think about it, saying you are a good sleeper is only going to add on pressure to sleep at night.

The good news is there is a better way to do sleep affirmations, and that’s what I talk about in this week’s video. If you want to use sleep affirmations, I highly recommend it.

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