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Surviving over 20 Years of Insomnia: My Advice for You

how to overcome insomnia

If insomnia has taken over your entire waking life and there are things you want to do, but insomnia is holding you back, this post is for you.

Insomnia has a way of taking over your entire life.

I remember at the worst of my insomnia, I never went out, and every waking moment was either stressing about being awake yet again or about how to overcome insomnia.

That was my whole life, and it got quite depressing.

I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I did, and that is to allow insomnia to take control of your entire life.

I know you probably feel like crap and too exhausted to do the things you enjoy but hear me out.

Allowing insomnia to take over your entire life will only prevent you from ever overcoming insomnia. There are multiple reasons for this.


When your entire life is about insomnia, you’re going to feel sad, depressed, and broken because that is what your thoughts are about all day. You're not allowing joy into your life. 

You can feel alone and isolated, and trying to figure out how to overcome insomnia all day and night will make you feel broken.


Your quality of life suffers. If you aren’t making time to do things you enjoy, you're going to lack joy and happiness.

You’re not likely spending time with friends and family. Your entire life is surrounded by sadness and frustration.


By putting things off until you are sleeping better, you are adding pressure to sleep. A lot is riding on you, sleeping more so you can enjoy your life, and this all adds pressure and performance anxiety when it comes to sleep.

Imagine if there is a concert you want to go see with your friends in a few months, and you want to go but only if you can get more sleep by then. 

As the days get closer and closer to the concert, you will start feeling that pressure, which will only increase the stress and hyperarousal levels at bedtime.


The solution is obvious by now, but it is to go out and do the things you enjoy.

I want you to make a list of everything that you want to do that you are holding back from and choose just one thing to schedule in. It can be the easiest one that requires the least amount of energy, or it could be the one that is most exciting for you.

Yes, you may not have your full energy or feel like doing anything, but you will start to feel a bit better mentally and physically once you start enjoying yourself.

This takes your focus off your insomnia, reduces pressure, and reduces hyperarousal levels which leads to more sleep.

Now that you understand the importance of getting your life back and have a plan check out this video about self-kindness because you can’t get your life back without self-kindness. They go hand in hand.

I teach about specific ways with insomnia to give yourself self-kindness because, without it, you will remain stuck.

If You Have Insomnia Here’s how Self-kindness Can Transform Your Sleep

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