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Is It Time For A Sleep Detox?

how to overcome insomnia

1) What do someone with diarrhea and an electric car owner have in common?

They both hope to make it home in time. 🤣

2) On the day my friends were hosting my birthday celebration, I had diarrhea.

I was a party pooper. 🤣

3) How does a banker tell someone he has diarrhea?

“Oh god, my assets are liquid!” 🤣 

I know I am a little nuts by starting off with some jokes about diarrhea.

Let me remind you that I am a nurse so no subject about the human body is off limits here. I can talk freely about any embarrassing thing that goes on with the body. Sometimes I forgot that not everyone is like that.

The reason I started off with diarrhea jokes has to do with my story about my bowls not wanting me to pass nursing school. I promise I won’t go into detail and that this will relate to sleep.

You’ll see…

So, I don’t know about you, but I have test anxiety. I hate/love tests and they make me physically ill.

 In nursing school, whenever I had a test coming up, I would start to feel anxious the day before. I would start thinking about the test all day and study multiple times a day. I would research ways to memorize things all the time hoping I would find some magical way to remember everything and watch every YouTube video I could on the subjects I was being tested on.

Bedtime would come and my stress levels were way up from worrying about the test all day and then I would have no sleep whatsoever.

Test day would arrive, and my stomach would start to feel upset, and it was hard to eat.

As soon as I would sit down for the test, like every damn time, my bowels would all of a sudden tell me I have to go now! Like right now or else!!!

When I would try to go to the bathroom right before I go in for the test. Nope. That would be too easy.

So embarrassingly I would have to ask to go use the bathroom right after the test started.

I swear my bowels wanted me to fail my tests.

So, what does this have to do with sleep?

Well, eventually I learned to take my mind off the test and go do stuff I enjoy. I didn’t even study the day before and I would get a few hours of sleep (my normal sleep) and diarrhea stopped. I still kept up my straight A’s despite less studying.


This is sort of the same with sleep. Well, not the diarrhea part. Even though that can happen too.

Insomnia can start to consume your whole day worrying if you are going to sleep that night. You might be doing a lot of research about how to overcome insomnia, watching YouTube videos, and reading posts from others with insomnia in Facebook groups. You worry about how you are going to function the next day and just let insomnia take over your whole day and night.

Does any of this sound familiar?

In this video, I talk about how a sleep detox can help you take back control of your day. And don’t worry, a sleep detox can only help you move closer toward better sleep.

If you feel like your whole day is consumed with thoughts and worries about sleep, then I highly recommend you watch it.

Just please pardon the wind affecting the sound and my hair blowing in my face. I filmed it while I was in the Philippines and sitting next to the rooftop pool.

So go grab yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and watch this video about a Sleep Detox…

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