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If you're worried that you feel wide awake as soon as you lay down, this one's for you...

how to overcome insomnia

Here’s what to do if you feel wide awake as soon as you lie down.

If you always find yourself wide awake as soon as you lie down in bed, I am going to share with you why this is happening and what to do about it.

The first thing I want you to understand about why you feel wide awake as soon as you lie down is that this is normal when you have insomnia.

It’s your brain trying to keep you safe.  I know this won’t make sense if you are new here. 

Here’s a brief explanation. When we have insomnia and react to sleeplessness with fear and attempts to escape it, our brain becomes confused and believes there is a threat out there. 

With more and more attempts to escape sleeplessness and feeling that fear, your brain thinks the threat is even bigger because it’s still there.

So back to your brain trying to keep you safe.

When it comes time to go to bed, you start having fear-based thoughts such as…

  • What if I don’t sleep? 
  • What if I can’t fall asleep? 
  • What if I am awake all night? 
  • How will I get through the day if I don’t sleep? 

These are all fear-based reactions, and the brain thinks there is a threat, so the fight or flight system is activated, and you can no longer sleep.


If your brain thinks you are in danger, then you need to teach it that you are safe.

The fear-based reactions and attempting to escape and fight sleeplessness keep you stuck and make your brain believe there is a threat, so the best thing to do is the opposite.

This is the best thing to do when awake at night and to overcome insomnia.

If you want to learn more about how to overcome insomnia, download my free 5-step guide to overcoming insomnia at

If you are wondering if your sleep system could be broken, then your next step is to visit my blog post/video, where I talk about this.

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