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How to lower hyperarousal so that you can sleep…

how to overcome insomnia

Let’s talk about hyperarousal. Hyperarousal is what keeps us awake at night when we have chronic insomnia. 

If you don’t know what hyperarousal is, I like this definition by a psychotherapist named Jenny Nurick. “Hyperarousal is when excessive energy is expressed as anxiety, panic, feeling out of control and wanting to run away. It is challenging to relax when this happens as our body has gone into fight or flight mode. It is difficult to sleep or digest when we are in this state.”

When we have chronic insomnia, we are often unknowingly doing things that are causing our hyperarousal to amplify and keeping us stuck with insomnia. It can feel like you will never overcome insomnia. This is why.

In the video above, I have five tips to help you lower your hyperarousal levels so that you can sleep more. So if you are ready to get better sleep, go ahead, and click on the video above.


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