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How to Get Your Life Back with Insomnia

how to overcome insomnia

How To Get Your Life Back with Insomnia.

Do you have insomnia and want to get your life and sanity back?

If so, keep reading.

People with insomnia, including myself when I had insomnia, believe that they need 8-hours of near-perfect sleep to have the energy to do things they have been putting off while they have insomnia.

It makes perfect sense. When you aren’t getting the sleep you need to feel your best, and you struggle to get through the day, of course, you aren’t going to want to do things like start a hobby, exercise, hang out with friends, stay out late, go back to school, or whatever else that insomnia is keeping you from.

However, allowing insomnia to hold you back from things you enjoy can actually make your sleep worse…. Yup, you heard that correctly. 😮

Hear me out…

Think about someone who sleeps well. Like you are jealous of their sleep.

*Side note, your sleep system works just as well as theirs. There are just some habits that you are doing that are preventing you from getting sleep. I’ll post a link to a blog that explains this below.

Ok, where was I?

The person who sleeps well.

What do they focus on during the day?

Are they thinking about their sleep all day?

Or are they out enjoying life?

Obviously, when you sleep well and wake up with energy, this makes life much easier, but this gives us a clue about sleep.

You see, the more we focus on our sleep during the day, the more we worry about our sleep all day and put thoughts and energy into our insomnia, the worse our insomnia becomes.

Attention is like oxygen to our body. Our insomnia can’t live without it.

When we put off things that we want to do until we sleep better, we also add performance anxiety to sleep at night.

Sleep is the only thing in the way of enjoying life and doing things you want to do. Can you see how this can add a lot of pressure to sleep?

All that pressure only makes sleep worse. When you take pressure off, this is what leads to more sleep.

By enjoying your life and doing things you want to do, you are proving to yourself that you can get through the day and even enjoy it despite little to no sleep. This is important because this also takes the pressure off yourself to sleep. Anytime you can take the pressure off, you are moving toward insomnia recovery.

Tell me, in the comments section below, one thing you will do despite insomnia.

Also, as promised, here is the blog post about the real reason you have insomnia and why your sleep system works just as well as someone who sleeps well. The Real Reason You Have Insomnia.


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