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How to Get Amazing Sleep When You Have Insomnia.

how to overcome insomnia

Does it feel like nothing is working to help you get that amazing sleep you dream about when you have insomnia? This can make you feel like your situation is hopeless and that you will never have good sleep again. Having insomnia can be frustrating when you can’t get enough good quality sleep. This leaves you without the energy to get through the day and do things. 

I’m here to tell you that your situation is not hopeless, and you deserve to have the sleep you need. You shouldn’t have to fight so hard for it. I know what it’s like to dream about that amazing sleep that seems impossible when you have insomnia. I had insomnia for more than 20-years, and I used to sleep every other day and sometimes even longer for just 2-3 hours. If I can overcome insomnia, so can you. Here are a few tips for you to help you overcome your insomnia. They’re simple yet not easy at the same time. It takes time, but you can get there too.

  1. Let go of the struggle. Did you know that a big part of why we feel so exhausted from insomnia is not from the lack of sleep? A big part of our exhaustion comes from our struggle and fight with insomnia? Every time we attempt to avoid sleeplessness, stress, frustration, a racing mind, and anxiety, we cause ourselves a lot of emotional and physical stress. This leaves us feeling exhausted and drained the next day. An important thing to understand is that we can’t control our sleep. The more we try to fight sleeplessness and other insomnia symptoms, the stronger they get. The more you let go of the struggle and allow things to be, the better you will feel.


  1. Accept where you are at when it comes to sleep. It’s not easy to accept that you have insomnia, but it is your reality right now. Life throws many challenges at us that we learn and grow from, like insomnia. You, too, will learn and grow from this challenge and start sleeping better again. By accepting your reality right now, you allow yourself to let go of the struggle. When you are trying to fight your insomnia and control it, you are doing the opposite of accepting it. The less you struggle and the more you accept where you are, the more you will move toward better sleep. It does take time to get there, but you will too.
  2. Be open to experiencing insomnia and all its side effects. The more you try to avoid the emotional and physical sensations from insomnia such as a racing mind, anxiety, stress, and other symptoms, the stronger they become. The saying “The more you resist, the more it persists” applies perfectly here. Allow yourself to experience them without judgment. These sensations are messages from your brain trying to warn you about something. By allowing them to come through, your brain will no longer need to warn you about them.

These three tips are powerful and can help you overcome your insomnia. They aren’t quick fixes, but they are long-term fixes to your insomnia so that you never have to struggle again. The more you practice these simple concepts, the easier they become. Like anything, it takes practice. If you want to understand how your insomnia started in the first place and what is maintaining it, then I recommend downloading my free 5-step guide at

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