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Can Insomnia Come Back?

about insomnia

Can insomnia come back?

This is a common worry I hear from my clients when they have recovered from insomnia and now sleeping well.

They don’t ever want to experience insomnia again and are worried that it will come back in the future.

Of course, this is entirely normal to fear having insomnia again. It’s not a pleasant experience.

I always have to remind them how insomnia starts in the first place, which is by our fear-based reaction to sleeplessness.

Everyone experiences trouble sleeping occasionally. It could be from something stressful happening in their life, a side effect from medication, stress or anxiousness about an event, or travel happening the next day. It’s part of life, and it will occasionally happen to all of us.

The key to preventing these disrupted nights from becoming insomnia is our reaction to them. If we can remind ourselves that disrupted nights are normal and just continue on with our day, the disrupted nights will correct themselves at some point.

However, if we react with fear and worry, that’s when insomnia begins. The more we resist the sleepless nights, the more they persist.

The same goes for insomnia. The way out of insomnia is by letting go of the resistance to the sleeplessness. It’s not the solution that insomniacs like to hear because, in an ideal world, there would be a quick fix. When I had insomnia, I would have given all my money for a quick fix. However, because I went after the root cause of my insomnia, I now have a long-term and permanent fix.

This message is so important for everyone in their insomnia journey. Whether you have just started losing some sleep but aren’t yet stuck in the insomnia cycle, are currently experiencing insomnia, or have already recovered.

For more information, watch the video for this blog post above.

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