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Can Insomnia Be Cured?

about insomnia



Are you wondering if your insomnia will ever be cured? 

Perhaps you have tried pretty much everything out there, and nothing seems to be working. At this point, you might be starting to think that overcoming insomnia is impossible.

You are not alone in this belief. Most people who suffer from insomnia feel the same way. Nothing seems to work, and it only seems to get worse.

No matter what specialist, supplement, technique, or sleep doctor you see, you are stuck in the same place. I have been in the same situation and felt depressed, desperate, and like things were hopeless.

I’m here to tell you that there is a cure and that you can overcome insomnia. It is possible, and if I can do it after having severe insomnia for more than 20 years, you can too, and I am here to teach you how.

Now, obviously, I won't be able to teach you how to do it all in this blog post, but I can certainly get you started. 

Let’s start from the beginning.

At some point, you had some disrupted sleep from things like medication side effects, a hormone imbalance, something stressful going on in your life, something traumatic happened, or any of the thousands of things that can affect your sleep. 

However, you don’t have insomnia yet. Insomnia begins once we start having our fear-based thoughts and reactions to sleeplessness.

Usually, if we have disrupted sleep and we know it is to be expected, we shrug it off, move on, and the sleep corrects itself with time. 

However, if you experience disrupted sleep and react with the thoughts that this is odd and shouldn’t be happening, this leads to problem-solving and trying different things to fix your sleep. 

Unfortunately, this puts you in the insomnia cycle, and it is really easy to get stuck there.

The thing is, nothing external can make you sleep. Let me repeat…..NOTHING external can make you sleep….Not even sleep medications. That’s a whole other post.

You end up trying more and more things, and they keep failing, which leaves you more frustrated and confused than ever.

All this frustration leads to more stress, sleep anxiety, and high hyperarousal levels. This is what is preventing you from sleeping.

You see, your brain thinks there is a threat out there, and this is because we react to sleeplessness with fear and attempt to escape and fight it. Your brain is confused and now puts sleeplessness on the threat radar and activates the fight or flight system. 

This raises your hyperarousal levels even more. And with each failed attempt to control sleep, the bigger the threat your brain believes is out there and strengthens the fight or flight system even more.

Sleep is a passive process, and you can’t control it or make it happen. We just need to get out of its way by no longer trying to control or force sleep to happen. 

The more you can let go of trying to control your sleep and fighting sleeplessness, the closer you will move toward sleep more again.

By no longer trying to escape sleeplessness and no longer reacting to sleeplessness with fear, you can teach your brain that you are safe, which is what you need to overcome insomnia.

I’m curious, have you ever felt like you will be stuck with insomnia for life? Or do you feel like you will eventually figure out how to overcome it? Tell me in the comment section below.

I hope that was helpful and give you some hope.

If you have any questions, please let me know below.

And since I mentioned that sleeping pills can’t make you sleep either, you can check out my post about them…. Should You Take Sleeping Pills? 



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