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Are You Giving These Things Up Because Of Insomnia?

insomnia mistakes

Are You Giving These Things Up Because Of Insomnia?

If you are giving up a bunch of things in hopes of improving your sleep, then this video and blog post is for you.

Insomnia can take over your whole life as you start to create a long list of things you are avoiding because you are afraid they will affect your sleep.

They are usually things you enjoy, miss, and wish you could still do.

Oftentimes they are things such as

  • Coffee
  • Trips
  • Tv in the evenings
  • Evenings out with friends
  • Blue light from electronics
  • Having a strict schedule
  • And so much more.

This is your brain's way of trying to keep you safe. One thing you may not be aware of is our fear-based reaction to sleeplessness, and trying to escape and fight insomnia, tricks your brain into believing there is a threat out there.

Once this happens, your brain activates the fight-or-flight response. This is what’s preventing you from sleeping.

Once your brain believes there is a threat, you can’t just do meditation and deep breathing to take sleeplessness off the threat radar. This is a subject for a whole other post.

Here's the thing, you can’t control your sleep. Nothing external can make you sleep, even sleeping pills (again, this is a subject for a whole other post). The more you try to control sleep, the more struggle you’re going to get.

So, your long list of rules and things you are avoiding doesn’t affect your sleep like you think they do. They are just a way of trying to control sleep.

Instead, you’re taking away quality of life.

Of course, you don’t want to do things like drink coffee late. Use common sense there.

Otherwise, enjoy those things, even electronic devices that emit blue light.

To learn more about why blue light devices are fine and on the subject of this post, watch the video above.

I hope it helps. :)

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