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5-Mistakes People with Insomnia Make

insomnia mistakes


Keep reading if you want to find out if you are making any of these mistakes. Once you identify which mistakes you are making, you can change some of your habits and move closer to overcoming insomnia.

When I had insomnia, I think I made every single mistake possible. That’s why I was stuck in the insomnia cycle for more than 20 years. Once I learned what mistakes I was making, I was able to overcome my insomnia.

MISTAKE #1: Putting pressure on themselves.

This habit alone will keep you stuck in the insomnia cycle forever. We tell ourselves that we can’t do things we enjoy until we are sleeping more. Or, we have to start sleeping more so we don’t develop a health condition. Or we have to sleep tonight to get through the next day. 

What do you think all the pressure will do for your sleep? It will give you performance anxiety and raise your stress levels through the roof, leading to a lack of sleep anyway.

MISTAKE #2: Staying on sleeping pills.

When you take sleeping pills, you aren’t actually going after the root cause of your insomnia. It’s kind of like a band-aid fix that only works temporarily and not all the time. To recover from insomnia permanently, you need to go after the root cause.

MISTAKE #3: Avoiding the bed.

There is an old belief that you need to get out of bed when you can’t sleep, so you don’t associate the bed with sleeplessness. In reality, being in bed and teaching your brain that you are safe can propel you toward recovery. You can get out of bed if you like but if you rather stay in bed, then stay in bed. 

MISTAKE #4: Following the advice of others with insomnia in insomnia Facebook Groups.

It’s like the blind leading the blind. There’s tons of conflicting advice and many things people think are working but are only helping temporarily. They need to go after the root cause and not try supplement after supplement.

MISTAKE #5: Thinking that you can control your sleep.

I talk about this one a lot. In fact, I probably mention it in every video I film and every blog post I write. Sleep is a passive process; you can’t take pills or supplements to make sleep happen, and we are only getting in the way of our sleep system. As soon as you step out of the way, you start sleeping more and more.

So, I’m curious, which of these five mistakes shocked you? Comment below and tell me.

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