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3-Reasons Trying Everything to Overcome Insomnia Is Preventing You From Sleeping

insomnia mistakes

When you have insomnia, it can take control of your whole life. Our natural instinct is to implement trial and error with every supplement, medication, and technique out there.

I know how frustrating it feels to try just about everything, and nothing seems to be working. This is your brains' way of trying to keep you safe. This works for most things in life, but not for insomnia.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that we can control our sleep and insomnia. We believe that all these supplements, medications, and techniques can magically make us sleep. Unfortunately, controlling sleep is impossible. Insomnia is a hyperarousal problem. 

The more we try things to make ourselves sleep and end up failing, the more frustrated and hopeless we feel. These thoughts and feelings are only going to perpetuate our insomnia. This leads to a lack of confidence in our ability to sleep and makes us feel like something is wrong with us. Our sleep system isn't broken; we are just getting in its way.

Our brains' job is to keep us safe and alive. When we have insomnia and try to escape sleeplessness, our brain thinks there is a threat out there. When we keep trying to find something that works to help us escape sleeplessness, we confirm to our brain that there is a threat out there, and our fight or flight is activated. 

One of the most challenging parts about overcoming insomnia is learning to let go of control of our insomnia. It can feel like we are giving up and will never overcome insomnia unless we try things.

However, the more we try, the less we sleep. The more we abandon trial and error and let our natural sleep system do its thing, the more we sleep. We overcomplicate our sleep and get in the way of our own sleep systems. By letting go of all the attempts to overcome insomnia, you find peace and better sleep.

If you haven’t downloaded my free 5-step checklist to break the insomnia cycle, go download it. It’s the perfect place to start.

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