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3-Reasons a Sleep Setback Will Help You Progress.

how to overcome insomnia

The last thing you want is a setback when you have been sleeping better, and I get it. However, a setback can be a good thing. Overcoming insomnia is never linear.

 Instead, you often take 3-steps forward and then 1 or 2 steps back. Then 2-steps forward, then 1-step back. Eventually, you start progressing a lot more than regressing. It’s about going with the flow and taking it one day at a time.

 Before we talk about setbacks, I want to talk about insomnia. When we have insomnia, we often think of it as something that has a life of its own that we fight against and have no control over. This makes you feel powerless and puts you in a defensive position.

 This is NOT TRUE at all. The truth is that your insomnia results from your thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

 If you were sleeping better and then started sleeping little again, this means that you have begun fearing sleeplessness again. Insomnia doesn’t have a life of its own; it only exists if your safety center identifies it as a threat through our fear-based reactions. This should empower you.

 You have control over your thoughts, beliefs, and reactions. Yes, it takes time to work on mindset. However, knowledge and mindset are the keys to progressing.

 If you have had a period of sleeping well or have had longer nights of sleep than before, then your brain has already started to see sleeplessness as less of a threat. This means that you can do it again.

 Here are three important reasons a setback is a good thing.

 First, it allows you to reflect on your progress until now and build your sleep confidence.

 If you haven’t noticed, humans tend to focus on the negative aspects of things. For example, if a family member does some chores around the house without being asked but forgets to take the trash out, we focus on the fact that they didn’t take the trash out instead of complimenting them on the good stuff.

 We naturally always look for the problems or issues that we need to problem solve or fix. This is your brain trying to keep you safe. However, this can also prevent us from seeing the positives and celebrating our successes.

 When you have progressed in your sleep and have a setback, it can feel like a step backward. Instead, it’s an opportunity to reflect on your progress until now.  You have done amazingly already, and this is an opportunity to grow your sleep confidence. You do have the ability to sleep more.

 Second, you get to grow your sleep confidence by showing yourself that doing nothing to fix your sleep is what will get you back to sleeping again.

 When you were sleeping better, it was because you weren’t trying to sleep any better. You weren’t trying to fight insomnia or problem solve it.  This builds your sleep confidence by showing that you CAN sleep and that there’s nothing wrong with you.

 When you have setbacks, the key is to resist the urge to problem-solve or try to get your sleep back to the way it was before the setback. This is where you can have rapid growth. You get to see that you would bounce back even if you did nothing to try and fix it.

 Third, you have a chance to show yourself that you can have a good day, even on little sleep.

 One fear we often have with insomnia is how we will handle the next day with so little sleep. How can I drive on so little sleep?  What if I get fired from my job? How will I get things done? How will I be able to take care of my children?

 This is entirely normal and something all of us do.

 Now you have a chance to prove to yourself that you can get through the day without anything horrible happening and even have a good day. First, you can look at the past. You have done just fine up till now. Yes, you may have been exhausted, but you made it through the day, and I bet you even had some good days.

 You can also prove to yourself that you can get through the day and maybe even have a good one. When you feel like you have had a setback, take the focus away from sleep and shift it to the day.

 Find something fun to do, spoil yourself, or do something you love. This is how you can reduce your sleep anxiety and eliminate the fear of how you will get through the next day because you will see that you have nothing to fear.

 Understanding these three benefits of having a setback can progress you forward big time. It’s all about the mindset shift, building your sleep confidence, and resisting the urge to problem-solve. You have done fantastic so far, and I know you will continue to do so.

 If you haven’t done so already, download my FREE 5-step guide to overcoming insomnia to get started on your journey.

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